Thursday, September 29, 2016

Elegant Bathroom

This elegant bathroom adds a pleasant and stylish touch to any house. The incorporation of designs along the side of the tub and under the mirror really pull the whole room together. Also, the lighting fixtures, such as the chandelier and candlestick holders against the mirror, create a sense of luxury. In addition, the decorations as well as the plush chair, emphasize the owner’s sense of style. Another aspect that creates this unique theme is the color scheme chosen. Whether it is the wood accents on the wall or the marble on the floor, shades of brown have been included in addition to some white, which together create this sophisticated look.

A huge thanks to:

Simpilistic Bathroom

This simplistic style bathroom is perfect for your modern home. Utilizing the glass panels to create natural lighting and giving the illusion of a bigger room, creates a fresh and enlarging look to the bathroom. Geometrical lighting, such as rectangular, cubical, etc. makes simple finish to the room. Keeping this bathroom as simple and pure as you can will help the mood. Adding a lot of decorations can give a cluttered and messy look. Keep this simplistic bathroom as fresh and clean as it came.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Salon Spa Bathroom

This salon spa bathroom is perfect for relaxing and enjoying me time. This modern stylistic interpretation has very minimalistic objects. With natural tones such as beiges, whites and woody-stones. Using the most simple furnishings, it saves money and makes your bathroom decorating time more efficient. Suggested with this bathroom is a lemongrass essential oil for the perfect bathing time oil for a relaxing scent and feel.

Special thanks to:

Classic Bathroom

This classic bathroom is ideal if you aren’t looking for too much. However, even with its simplicity, the style and calming mood cannot be overlooked. The light blue curtains and towels add a soothing yet contrasting touch that makes the room come alive. Also, the pictures assist in customizing the room to fit the owner’s unique design.

Thanks to:

Bathroom Week

Hello readers!
    Get excited because this week is bathroom week! Learn great style techniques for your dream bathroom! We will be giving color tips and more! Stay tuned this week!
Michelle and Meredith